
Facts On Adolescent Binge Drinking › Consequences › Weakened Athletic Performance

Weakened Athletic Performance

High school and college athletes should be especially conscientious about their consumption of alcohol—in fact, they should think twice before consuming any alcohol, and should never binge drink. This is because exercise is a complex activity utilizing many of the body’s organ systems. When you consume alcohol, it exerts an effect on most of these systems, including the central nervous system (i.e. the brain), muscular system (i.e. motor skills), and cardiovascular system (i.e. the heart).

Research has explored the relationship between binge drinking and athletic performance:

  • Most college level athletes began drinking by the end of high school.
  • Both male and female athletes have higher rates of binge drinking than non-athletes.
  • Even one episode of binge drinking can affect the brain and body for several days.
  • Athletes who drink alcohol at least once per week have an elevated risk of injury as compared to athletes who do not drink.
  • Alcohol consumption slows the healing process for sports-related injuries.

The following highlight the effects that alcohol can have on an athlete’s performance:

  • slowed reaction time
  • decreased hand-eye coordination
  • decreased accuracy and balance
  • impaired tracking, visual search, recognition and response skills
  • slowed running and cycling times
  • weakened pumping force of the heart
  • impaired temperature regulation during exercise
  • decreased grip strength and jump height
  • faster fatigue during high-intensity exercise
  • increased rate of dehydration


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